Top 10 technologies to learn in 2020
The first industrial revolution was initiated in 18th century in which new manufacturing processes were introduced with the help of steam-powered engines. Then, in late 19th century the world went through the Second Industrial Revolution which is also called Technological Revolution. This revolution was characterized with a boom in the manufacturing industry and mass production with help of scientific applications. Moving ahead, Electronics and Information Technology were responsible for drifting the world into the Third Revolution. Are we standing on the brink of 4th Industrial Revolution? This is one of the most trending questions nowadays. The reason being technology is evolving faster than ever. New technologies, such as Artificial Intelligence, Blockchain Technology, Internet of Things, Big Data, Machine Learning etc. are no more alien to us. Same as the previous revolutions, these new technologies are bound to create havoc and will disrupt the existing modus operandi. Companies and individuals who don’t keep up with some of the major tech trends run the risk of being left behind. The recent trends show us 10 most imminent technologies everyone should get ready for in the year 2020. In this article we will be exploring the significance and impact of these technologies.
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